Sunday, February 2, 2014

How to dribble in basketball(basics).

 A lot of people are who think they're amazing dribblers while they're just doing crap...
First of all I want to make things clear, dribbling is a skill and not a talent some have. By saying this, I mean anybody can learn it with the right training methods and conviction, no matter how tall or how short he is.
We can divide dribble to three essential points: the posture, hands control and location of the dribble.


This is the first part and probably the most important one, it's posture. If you're dribbling with your back rounded and your eyes on the ball, sorry but you're not going anywhere. You can miss irreplaceable opportunities to pass the ball, and you'll have difficulties choosing your dribble location(we'll go back to this in the third part).
Yes, when you're dribbling you need to get down to approach the ground, but not get your back rounded, you should be like you were sitting in a chair, your back straight and your eyes looking forward, yes forward, not on the ball. You're probably asking yourself why, it's simply because if you keep your eyes on the ground, you'll never know what happening on the court unless you have a third eye in your head. You can miss some passing/scoring opportunities that present themselves to you.
Also, you shouldn't forget your second hand, you probably know it but we can only dribble with one hand(We never know). What you can do with your second hand which you don't use, is to use it like a shield to protect the ball from the defender, that way you have less probability to lose the ball and more to get a foul.

Hands control:

Dribble the ball without caring for the way we do it is not the best way, believe me. To dribble with more control and accuracy, you need to use your fingertips, not your palms, employing your fingertips will allow you to better follow the ball and place it better. You'll have five forces that direct your ball instead of one. Logic, isn't it?
Next time when you're working out, try to use your fingertips or try to dribble without touching the ball with your palms. It may sound dumb, but it's effective.

Location of the dribble:

Well choosing your dribble location, will not only allow you to easily cross your opponents but will also permit you a control of the ball.
What you cant to do, is to dribble the ball on the sides, not far from your leg, this done, you'll not have to worry about your legs that can waste your dribble. It is important to not dribble between your legs, this will also allow you to easily change sides without worrying.

Remember, get your posture, control your hands, choose your dribbling location and you'll be officially capable of dribbling. What? You tough you would dribble like Paul George? You can, you only need some long years of training.

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